News - Community Organising

Nemonte Nenquimo, a Waorani leader sends a strong message to the western world

13th Oct 2020
"We Indigenous people are fighting to save the Amazon, but the whole planet is in trouble because you do not respect it." Nemonte Nenquimo: Published in The Guardian

Breaking the silence: Industrial oil palm and rubber plantations bring harassment, sexual violence and abuse against women

14th Mar 2019
Life around industrial oil palm and rubber plantations is marked by violence. (Source

New Baka and Bagyeli language films released

25th Sep 2018
Several of LifeMosaic's films from the Territories of Life series have been dubbed into 2 indigenous languages for the Baka and Bagyeli peoples from Cameroon.

Mozambique won’t be Mato Grosso

18th Jun 2018
A popular movement centred on a small farming village in northern Mozambique has, for the moment, halted an attempt to move to cash-crop monocultures mainly for export. (By Stefano Liberti for Le Monde Diplomatique)

Gender relations are changing along with climate

25th Mar 2013
A changing climate will inevitably have an impact on gender relations in rural communities, but not enough is being done to boost the resilience of women. (IRIN)

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