(3) September 2015

European Launch of the Territories of Life Video Toolkit and Talk on Plan de Vida
European Launch of the Tool Kit today, Wednesday September 30th, 12:00-13:30 At the 2015 International Conference Series to Scale-up Strategies for Securing Community Land and Resource Rights, Bern, Switzerland.

AMAN Slams Govt for Leaving ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Out of Climate Plan
Indonesia's outspoken watchdog for indigenous peoples' rights has lambasted the government for not using the term "indigenous peoples" in the country's proposed climate actions outline for the period beyond 2020 (Gokkon / jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com).

Territories of Life - Longhouse Screenings
Territories of Life is being screened as part of a three-week residential training with 27 young indigenous leaders from across Indonesia. The training, organised by AMAN / BPAN and LifeMosaic, is being held in a remote Dayak traditional longhouse in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Latest news
- LifeMosaic’s latest film now available in 8 languages
- การเผชิญหน้ากับการสูญพันธุ์ และการปกป้องวิถีชีวิต (Thai)
- LANÇAMENTO DO FILME BRASIL : Enfrentando a Extinção, Defendendo a Vida
- Enfrentando la Extinción, Defendiendo la Vida (Español)
- Peluncuran video baru dalam Bahasa Indonesia : Menghadapi Kepunahan, Mempertahankan Kehidupan