Groups in South Africa
The various First Nations indigenous groups in South Africa are collectively known as Khoe-San, comprising the San people and the Khoekhoe. The San groups include the ‡Khomani San residing mainly in the Kalahari region, and the Khwe and !Xun residing mainly in Platfontein, Kimberley.
The Mupo Foundation and Africa Centre for Biosafety helped to distribute LifeMosaic's 'Fever' series in South Africa. Hundreds copies of LifeMosaic's films were also distributed during COP17 - the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - held in Durban in 2011.

African Centre for Biosafety
African Centre for Biosafety is a non profit organisation, based in Johannesburg South Africa. It provides authorative, credible, relevant and current information, and research and policy analysis on issues pertaining to genetic engineering, biosafety and biopiracy in Africa. They distributed the climate change films to various networks and screened them during trainings on GM foods in Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria.

Mupo Foundation
The Mupo Foundation works to preserve and revive cultural diversity and food sovereignty in South Africa. Based in the Limpopo region, the organisation strengthens local communities in ecological governance by reviving indigenous seed, facilitating and encouraging intergenerational learning, and rebuilding confidence in the value of indigenous knowledge systems.
Mupo held screenings of 'Fever' in Venda communities and distributed copies of DVDs through their network.